Request for the details of the webhooks registered for the account
{ "SERVICE": "webhook.get" }
Tags | Description |
WEBHOOK_ID | ID of the webhook |
ENDPOINT | Address of the webhook endpoint |
TYPE | Type of endpoint webhook |
EVENTS | Events registered to the endpoint |
{ "REQUEST": { "SERVICE": "webhook.get" }, "RESPONSE": { "WEBHOOKS": [ { "WEBHOOK_ID": "15", "ENDPOINT": "http://endpoint/url", "TYPE": "url", "EVENTS": "customer.created,customer.updated" }, { "WEBHOOK_ID": "16", "ENDPOINT": "http://endpoint2/url", "TYPE": "url", "EVENTS": "invoice.created,invoice.completed,estimate.created,estimate.updated" } ] } }
Request for registering a webhook
Tags | Description |
TYPE | Type of endpoint: "url" | "email". (Only "url" is currently available) |
ENDPOINT | Address of the endpoint with a valid URL or email format. |
EVENTS | Comma separated values of the events to attach to the endpoint: customer.created customer.updated customer.deleted invoice.created invoice.completed invoice.canceled estimate.created estimate.updated contact.created contact.updated contact.deleted |
{ "SERVICE":"webhook.create", "DATA": { "TYPE": "url", "ENDPOINT": "http://endpoint/url", "EVENTS": "customer.created,customer.updated" } }
Tags | Description |
STATUS | Status of the request. |
WEBHOOK_ID | ID of the created webhook. |
{ "REQUEST": { "SERVICE": "webhook.create", "DATA": { "TYPE": "url", "ENDPOINT": "http://endpoint/url", "EVENTS": "customer.created,customer.updated" } }, "RESPONSE": { "STATUS": "success", "WEBHOOK_ID": 15 } }
Request for deleting a webhook registration
Tags | Description |
WEBHOOK_ID | ID of the webhook to delete. |
{ "SERVICE": "webhook.delete", "DATA": { "WEBHOOK_ID": "15" } }
Tags | Description |
STATUS | Status of the request. |
{ "REQUEST": { "SERVICE": "webhook.delete", "DATA": { "WEBHOOK_ID": "15" } }, "RESPONSE": { "STATUS": "success" } }
The objects pushed to the endpoints in are in JSON format. They have the following information:
id : Notification ID for historical use
type : Name of the event that triggered the notification
Objects : "customer" , "invoice" , "estimate" objects and their details
created : Timestamp of the notification
{ "id": 11, "type": "invoice.created", "created": "2016-03-02 17:37:13", "invoice": { "invoice_id": "14566", "type": "outgoing", "customer_id": "2", "customer_number": "2", "customer_costcenter_id": "0", "project_id": "0", "currency_code": "EUR", "delivery_date": "Leistungszeitraum entspricht Rechnungsdatum.", "invoice_title": "One more time", "cash_discount_percent": "0.00", "cash_discount_days": "0", "sub_total": 80, "vat_total": 15.2, "vat_items": [ { "vat_percent": "19.00", "complete_net": 80, "vat_value": 15.2 } ], "items": [ { "invoice_item_id": "18", "article_number": "", "description": "Produkt", "quantity": "1.0000", "unit_price": "80.00000000", "vat_percent": "19.00", "vat_value": 15.2, "complete_net": 80, "complete_gross": 95.2, "sort_order": 1 } ], "total": 95.2, "organization": "", "note": "", "salutation": "", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Mustemann", "address": "Inheidener str. 12", "address_2": "", "zipcode": "", "city": "Frankfurt", "payment_type": "1", "bank_name": "", "bank_account_number": "", "bank_code": "", "bank_account_owner": "", "bank_iban": "", "bank_bic": "", "country_code": "DE", "vat_id": "", "template_id": "1", "invoice_number": "7", "introtext": "wir erlauben uns f\u00fcr unsere Bem\u00fchungen folgende Positionen in Rechnung zu stellen.", "paid_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00", "is_canceled": "0", "invoice_date": "2016-03-02", "due_date": "2016-03-16 00:00:00", "payment_info": "", "lastupdate": "2016-03-02 18:37:10", "document_url": "http:\/\/mydev.fastbill.com\/download\/iGNwBuGMEknEXll.9k-1oOgskmlsdmvshdu" }, "customer": { "customer_id": "2", "customer_number": "2", "days_for_payment": "14", "created": "2016-03-02 15:26:57", "payment_type": "1", "bank_name": "", "bank_account_number": "", "bank_code": "", "bank_account_owner": "", "bank_iban": "", "bank_bic": "", "bank_account_mandate_reference": "", "show_payment_notice": "1", "account_receivable": "", "customer_type": "consumer", "top": "0", "newsletter_optin": "1", "organization": "", "position": "", "salutation": "", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Mustermann", "address": "Inheidener str. 12", "address_2": "", "zipcode": "", "city": "Frankfurt", "country_code": "DE", "secondary_address": "", "phone": "", "phone_2": "", "fax": "", "mobile": "", "email": "", "vat_id": "", "currency_code": "EUR", "lastupdate": "2016-03-02 15:58:04", "tags": "" } }